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CC forum emails in Spam folder
485 Posts
April 21, 2019 - 8:16 pm

For years I've been receiving New Forum Posts emails very regularly for the Rallys/Topics that I had subscribed to except recently.  The past several weeks, I've been thinking "Wow, no one is posting on CC"  then I happen to go into my Gmail Spam Folder and there were easily a dozen CC Forum emails.  

I did mark them all as Not Spam, and whitelisted the CC email address (added it to my email address book) and that seems to have made a difference as I'm now seeing the emails in my regular email tabs, but I found it very strange that all of a sudden Gmail had switched how they were filtering the emails.  

Wanted to share this with others in case you're also thinking email activity has been light...check your Spam Folder and make sure to have actually added in your address book.

Hope this helps


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