Looking for a new lock for the trail hitch
This is the lock I had, it locked up with the key in it on our last trip just as we were about to hook up and leave the campsite. Park ranger helped out with a zaw saw and a new blade. It was cut off like butter in about 15 seconds. Not that most people bring a saw like that camping but I would like something better then the one we had.
Any suggestion on brands or types that are better but not cost more than the PU?
Looking for lock for this location:

I just use an adjustable pad lock on the latch mechanism of the coupler, There maybe more slop in the lock but if I ever have to cut it off it will be easy. I thought of getting something like the Gorilla lock, but since the lock would sit exposed to the elements while the trailer is in storage, the lock could possibly cease up. I have read too many horror stories of both latch/coupler locks and hitch pin locks ceasing up to ever use them... If someone wants to steal the trailer while at a cg, then have at it.. If they try while it's in storage, well better bring some heavy duty cutters, as I do use 3 inch chain through the rims and cemented into the ground.. Also I have insurance on the pup for that reason among other things..
I have, but do not use, a Gorilla lock. It doesn't fit on the bullnose of the :chief: Apache :chief:. Instead, I've got a Masterlock for the tongue and the one you've got the red arrow pointing to for the latch.
I also keep the nose LOWERED as low as I can possibly go. It takes me longer to hook up, it'll take someone else longer to do the same.
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