[td][font=georgia]April 5th - 7th, 2013 (the weekend after Easter)[/font][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][font=georgia][size=12pt]Where: [/size][/font][/td]
[td][font=georgia]McKinney Campground - Lake Allatoona @ Acworth, GA[/font][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][font=georgia][size=12pt]Group Camping Area:[/size][/font][/td]
[td][font=georgia]Sites 118-138, then sites 139-150[/font] (Elec.,Water and Pets)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][font=georgia][size=12pt]Campground Information:[/size][/font][/td]
[td][font=georgia]Click Here![/font][/td][/tr]
[tr][td][font=georgia][size=12pt]Campground Map:[/size][/font][/td]
[td]See Below[/td][/tr]
[td]Click Here![/td][/tr][/table]
[tr][td][font=andale mono]Site #[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Member Name /
# T-Shirts[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Attending[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Hi[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Bye[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Potluck[/font][/td]
[td][font=andale mono]Other Items[/td][/tr]
[td]The Morrises(GA)[/td]
[td]Friends of marriettamodern - 2Adts, 3DS[/td]
[td]Mariettamodern (GA)
Andy & Michelle
[td]2Adts, 1DS(4)[/td]
[td]Southwestern salad[/td]
[td]Missnanc (AL)
Larry & Nancy
[td]2 Adts, 1 DGD (10)[/td]
[td]Hot dogs & fixings[/td]
[td]Pinata, Cornhole Boards; Kids' Craft Fun Master![/td]
[td]Fire Captain Jim (GA)
Jimmy & Ann
[td]2 Adts, DGS(9), DGD (10)[/td]
[td]Fri. Brkfst: DO Mountain Man
Sat.: D.O.Roast w/vegs., D.O. Dessert [/td]
[td] 4' table, EZ Up awning, Siren, [/td]
[td]BoomJammer (GA)
Jason & Laura[/td]
[td]2Adts, 3DD (9,6,3)[/td]
[td][s]Surgipat (AL)
Pat & Earl
[td]AVAILABLE call the CG office - (678)721-6700
[td][s]Fri. Brkfst: 30 cup Party Perk coffee, styrofoam cups, stirrers, milk & sugar
Sat.: Meatball[/s]s[/td]
[td]GA Judy (GA)
Judy & Al
[td]2 Adts, 2K9s + Gumby[/td]
[td]Fri. Brkfst: CrockPot Oatmeal w/fruit & nuts, milk, sugar & Splenda
Sat.: 100 (10 oz.) cold drink cups, 4 Bean Salad, Kickin' Chicken [size=8pt]w/pineapple, coconut, mango & tequila sauce [/td]
[td]6' table, 3' round table, 10'x10' canopy, cornhole boards[/td]
[td]Camp Dad (AL)
Miles & Sherelia
[td]2 Adts, 2DD(7&3), 1DS(4), K9-Sadie Mae[/td]
[td]Fri. Brkfst: DO Mountain Man
Sat.: DO Dirty Rice, [/td]
[td]6' table, folding kids' table [/td]
[td]Wizfisher (FL)
Matt & Barbara
[td]2 Adts, 3DD (13,6,2)[/td]
[td]Bourbonless Chicken.[/td]
[td]2-6' folding tables, cornhole boards [/td]
[td]FW Arcadia (GA)
Dan & Mary
[td]2 Adts, K9-Musa[/td]
[td]Fri. Brkfst: O.J.
Sat.: Smoked brisket, baked beans, cole slaw[/td]
[td]6' Table; Kids' Scavenger Hunt Master![/td]
[tr] [td]--- [/td] [td] Welcome table/Meeting area[/td] [td] under the big oak tree between Sites #127 and #128 - RALLY CENTRAL [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td][td] All activities will start at RALLY CENTRAL including Saturday Night Potluck Supper and Sunday Devotional. [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr]
[td]Micbur (GA)
Mike & Dolores[/td]
[td]2 Adults[/td]
[td]. [/td]
[td] 4' Table, cornhole boards [/td]
[td]Mc7 (AL)
Michael & JoAnn[/td]
[td]2 Adts, 2 cats[/td]
[td] 4 gal. Sweet & 4 gal. Unsweet Tea.
2 gal. of Kool-Aid, 100CT plates, napkins [/td]
[td]4' Table [/td]
[td] Reserved [/td]
[td]Outofideas (GA)
Chris & Michelle
[td]2 Adults[/td]
[td][s]BroRobin, Shirlchap(GA)[/s]
[s]Robin & Shirley[/s][/td]
[td][s]3 Adts incl. DS(19), Maybe a visitor[/s]
Camp site is still reserved, Unknown who reserved site[/td]
[td] Reserved [/td]
[td]Mwownbey (GA)
[td]1 Adult, maybe few more[/td]
[td]Potato salad, lemonade cake[/td]
[td]Athread678 (GA)
William & Amanda
[td]2 Adts., DD (21 mos.)[/td]
[td]Ben & Diane (GA)[/td]
[td]Friends of GA Judy, 2 Adts[/td]
[td][s]Micksc (GA)
Mickey & Betty[/s][/td]
[td]AVAILABLE call CG office - (678)721-6700
[td][s]"Deep Fried" Turkey[/s][/td]
[td]Jarhead 71 (GA)
Darrell & Becky
*1 [/td]
[td]2 Adts, 2DGDs(4,8 ),1 K-9 [/td]
[td] Grilled Veggies with Polish Sausage,
lemonade, plates, [/td]
[td]Terryjs1 (NY)
Terry & Frann
[td]2 Adts,1 small K9,1 Kitty Cat
On Sat. 4 Adts, 2DGDs (4, 3), DGS (6 mos.)[/td]
[td] Reserved [/td]
[td] Reserved [/td]
[td] Unknown [/td]
[td]Anyone we know?[/td]
[td] Jeanie (GA)
Jeanie & Howard[/td]
[td] 2 Adults[/td]
[td]joelmyer (GA)
Joel & Camille[/td]
[td]2 Adults[/td]
[td]Fri. brkfst: pancakes[/td]
[size=14pt][b] As of 4/03/13: 20 Reservations 40 Adults 22 Children[hr]
DOOR PRIZES: RV Nite Lights, six Coleman can coozies, fire poker, baseball hat w/propellor, 2 bright shiny objects, 3 small utility knives, mini electric food chopper, 4 "Outback" type steak knives, campfire s'mores maker, a couple of collapsable thermoses, and more!
FRIDAY, APRIL 5 -- DUTCH OVEN/CROCK POT BREAKFAST. Let Camp Dad know how many in your family will be there and if you are bringing something for this breakfast. This is in addition to the regular Saturday Evening Potluck (and I've heard there will be a door prize or two or..). Plates, hot & cold cups, napkins, and plastic eating utensils have been donated for the breakfast.
[size=12pt]Tee-Shirts can be picked up starting Thursday afternoon (April 4th) at the Welcome Table (between sites #127 & #128 - [color=purple][b]RALLY CENTRAL) if the rain stops; otherwise, the are at Site #124 -GA Judy. Come on over for a cup of coffee! Your screen name will be on the bag, so make sure you pick it up and also get one door prize per family ticket for the Sat. potluck drawing. If anyone is so inclined, feel free to reimburse GA Judy for the uncollected (her error) sales tax on the tee-shirts! THE SHIRTS ARE IN AND ARE REALLY NICE!
(Next rally tee-shirt order, we will collect 7% sales tax on your total order. :doh:)
Judy has found Gumby! After all this time she thought I was holding him for ransome. ;D But she has already warned me if he goes again, he will be tied up so he cannot escape and roam the country again like he did last time. By the way, Nice pictures of him everyone sent! Jason, get them strings ready to make some magical notes for us in April! :guitar:
The location will be at [size=3]McKinney Campground [/size]once again on[size=3] April 5Th-7Th, 2013.[/size] We chose this location for several reasons, reservations can be made on line through [size=10pt]http://www.recreation.gov[/size] where you can see your site you are reserving. Also there are quite a few sites along the lake edge for beautiful views while camping. The area we want to fill up first with reservations is [size=3]sites 118-138. This loop has 2 bathrooms with a shower each.[/size] The next loop we want to fill is sites 139-150 which also has restrooms/ no shower. If needed, sites 105-117 on another loop can be reserved if we get a bunch to attend. This loop does not have any restrooms.
This will be the weekend after Easter. We looked at reserving sites a few weekends later but these sites was filling up fast already with reservations! Especially on this first loop. We chose this campground also because it being a federal park, some can discounts on their reservations and we know we can put most of us together for the weekend.
For those that lives far away, if you want to plan a small get together, by all means let us know! We have a few family's who like to travel to meet new friends at different camp grounds we have never been to see. And yes we could possibly go to middle Georgia, Alabama, even to South Carolina and Tennessee!
At the fall rally, This loop of campsites offered a great meeting area for the corn hole tournament, Scavenger hunt for the young and old Kids and a meeting area for the Saturday night pot luck dinner!
So make your reservations now and mark your calendars! We would love for you to attend!
Post here once you make a reservation, Fire Captain Jim and GAJudy are both moderators and can update the beginning of the thread as members book.
Please include the number of adults and kids attending, age of the kids, arrival and departure days. We can talk about the potluck when it gets closer.
example: 2Adts 2Chd (14,13) 1K9 Thur-Mon
It's great to see the quick response of reservations! I am sorry if the distance is to far away for travel, but I understand! The majority of the campers on this site is in North Georgia area. It is not easy to choose a campground equal distance for everyone to attend.
If you will send me or Ga Judy a pm on your information on the reservations, we will add you to the master list.
We will discuss the pot luck supper as time gets closer. Lets get the word out to everyone! :baseballhat:
1 Guest(s)