Congratulations Joe and Ewwbugs!
I was down there with my 6 year old trying to keep her entertained in the frigid weather. Bad news, lost reverse on my K2500 sub on this trip. Looks like I'll be out $2,500 to start. Had hard time setting up on a downhill grade and passenger swing into the spot. I slid down the hill trying to back it into the spot. 11,000 pounds of truck and camper. Discnnected and reconnected at a better angle to back her in. i was in 4low and gave it gas and the truck was not responding to throttle. Towed fine the entire ride home. Parked it for an hour on the street before attempting to back it up the slope. On level shudder, slippage, oh crap.... tried again shudder, slippage on no! Put in 4low and let the engine and trans scream. I got the camper parked. Drove down the driveway to back up unloaded. No reverse.
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