Had a great time. Thanks to all for welcoming us in. The food was good, the beerfest was great, But the people are the Best. Look forward to the next rally we can attend. We stayed til Monday. Did all the inside stuff on sunday during the day. Rained all day and night. Monday at 7.00am it stopped raining we quickly packed and ran.
The creek had risen over 1 foot before we left. Found snow on the ground at Williamsport and all the way home. Snowing hard several times. 8-10" on the ground at home.
Still A great weekend Thanks to Joe and all the new people we met.
We got very lucky that we woke up early Sunday and had the camper down before the rain started. I was very glad we didn't have to put it back up to dry out. Even the ride home wasn't that bad - the heavy, driving rain didn't start by our house until late afternoon.
Guess we really can't complain about the weather - we've been soooo lucky with almost all of the rallies. I think I only remember maybe 2-3 where there was any rain at all. Not bad for doing the rally-thing for 4+ seasons ;D
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