[quote author=GA Judy link=topic=2030.msg21105#msg21105 date=1362004144]
I thought that was screaming coming up from Marietta! At least it won't be much longer!
And, yes, Andy, we have decals. Thanks to JoeCamper we will have Canvas Campers decals for each family. Fire Captain Jim and I sure appreciate all Joe is doing for our rally. It's night and day from our last rally elsewhere! ::)
Sounds nice, lol.
Judy, I know I said the check would be sent out today, but I didn't get it out until late.
It's in the mailbox at the post office so technically it will be sent tomorrow. ;D
Out of curiosity, how many t-shirt orders do you have? Close to 50? If it gets close enough, I'll order a few more to help get everyone the $1 back. I could use a few more camping t-shirts anyway. Lol
Oh yeah, sorry but we still don't know what we are bringing to the potluck yet.
Matt, so far the tee shirt count is up to 28 on my order sheet, so I rather think you would not want to order another 22 although they are nice shirts. :clappingani:
I'll let you know when the check arrives. BTW, I'm compiling the names of the kids attending for the handout sheet at the rally. We've gotten the ages for game and activity purposes, but we found it was nice to put the kids' names with the parents' names shown - but not online here. If you would like to have your kids' names for the handout sheet, please PM me with that. Thanks!
Tee shirt orders have all come in and payment received or on the way (2 folks), so we're about ready to go to the printer. Last Call if you want to get yours, please send GA Judy a PM stating your names and sizes. Cost for Adults S-XL and Youth XS-L is $9.00 ea. plus an additional $2.00 for Adults XXL and above.
NEW DEADLINE FOR ORDERING -- FINAL ORDERS BY: March 15 and PAYMENT BY: March 20. (PM GA Judy for payment information and to confirm your sizes.)
Thanks to all who are participating! Your shirts will be at the Welcome Table on Friday & Saturday (Apr. 5 & 6).
Just got word from micbur that their friends are unable to come to the rally. So, [size=12pt]site #120 is now available[/size]. Mike and Dolores are handling the "sale" of the site and will let the front check in office know when they arrive on Thursday that another name (yours or someone you know??) will take the place of the name on the site already. Please contact micbur ASAP to grab site #120 and make the arrangements with him.
I can hardly put into words how excited I am about this Rally coming up. I don't think my husband is as excited about it as I am. He doesn't like towing. Setting up is hit or miss. But we had such a grand time when we were there at the Rally last fall. We met a terrific group of campers, and this time, we have a spot right in the thick of things. Yay! Our New York campers are in the next loop, but since that's where we were last year, I know you can feel kind of neglected back there. Not to fear.....we will visit every chance we get, and keep you updated on everything that's going on. And I'll tell you....if it's like last year, there is lots going on.
Hey Pat, I feel your excitement! :jig: We are lining things up starting Friday morning for those who come in early, with a Dutch Oven breakfast and some oatmeal with differnt juices and coffee. later spend time greating the new arrivals, Saturday will be a busy day with Corn Hole Touriment for Adults while the kids do a scavenger hunt probably in our main loop. A Pinata bashing for kids after lunch and a Big Pot Luck Supper on Saturday night! Don't forget about the door prizes that will be given out after supper! From what I am gathering, we might even have a few door prizes after friday mornings D.O. breakfast. On Sunday morning, Your truely is preparing a small devotional for those who want to attend. Yes, we are going to have a wonderful, exciting weekend! :dans2:
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